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Project Las Americas is Colorado registered non-profit corporation,
and organized under Internal Revenue code 501 C (3).




Project Las Americas is proud to be a partner in the Childrens Safe Water Alliance.  Providing household water filtration, treatment and education in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. 

A sixty dollar investment can empower a family to produce their own potable water for fifty years with the BioSand water filter, developed by Dr. Dave Manz.  A simple and effective means to reduce child mortality in developing countries.

The combination of the robust and sustainable technology with a comprehensive Technology Transfer Intervention model has brought safe drinking water to thousands of families. 

Our partners include Rotary clubs, the Peace Corps, International Aid , Dr. David Manz,   Add Your Light Foundation , Center For Affordable Water and Sanitation, and the Canadian Embassy.  A special thanks goes to over one hundred Rotary clubs in North America who have contributed generously, for more Rotary information visit Thirsting To Serve.

[Video] Project Las Americas President address Thirsting to Serve, Grand Rapids Michigan.

Education is the key to behavioral change.  Project facilitators are given the resources to provide their community with knowledge to identify their problems and to choose how they will solve those problems.

Filtration is a simple process which is followed by post-chlorination.  The beneficiaries use the water to drink, cook, clean and bath.  The filter can produce in excess of 100 gallons per day which exceeds the usual needs of a family.  Filters are also installed in schools and other institutions serving lager groups.

Due to the combined efforts of all alliance partners, as of 2008, 18,000 families had access to potable water in the Dominican Republic via the BioSand filter. Project Las Americas made a ten year commitment to working towards the elimination of water born diseases. We hope to cooperate and assist others to take this technology to other developing countries.
An orchestrated effort through education and sustainable technology works towards reducing the worldwide death rate of 6,000 children each day due to contaminated water.


Can it be, that most of the worlds population will never have access to the quality of water
you use to wash your car?



  Articles 2009
  Christian Science Monitor
  Feature Article The Rotarian






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